Heidi Aronson

Planetary Protection Engineer

Office: (818) 354-3379


Heidi is a recent graduate of Occidental College, where she studied marine biology and cellular and molecular biology. At Occidental, she spent two years researching the microbiome of a deep-sea, bone-eating snail. Heidi was an intern and Caltech SURF student with the Biotechnology and Planetary Protection Group from 2013-2016. She worked on various projects including preparation of spore coupons for the Biofilm Organisms Surfing Space (BOSS) project and implementation of MALDI-TOF MS for bacterial archiving. As a Planetary Protection Engineer, Heidi will assist with mission implementation for Mars 2020.

Research Interests

  • Environmental microbiology
  • Microbial symbiosis
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Astrobiology
  • Extremophile biology

Professional Experience

2015-2016, Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

2013-2014, JPL Student Independent Research Intern


2016, BA, Biology, Occidental College

Selected Publication

Aronson, H. S., A. J. Zellmer, and S. K. Goffredi. "The Specific and Exclusive Microbiome of the Deep-Sea Bone-Eating Snail, Rubyspira osteovora." FEMS Microbiology Ecology (2016): fiw250.

CL#: 17-1953, 18-1585

Site Manager: Alvin Smith

Webmaster: James Ray

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